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Courage Bundle


1 cinnamon Stick and 2 Tea Light candles

Cinnamon invokes a sense of warmth, love, and strength- High in antioxidants, cinnamon increases efficiency in the immune system

Health and healing - Since 2800BC cinnamon as been used in the embalming process by the Egyptians.

Reduces fever symptoms, stomach upsetting, and sore throat

Spirituality & Higher Consciousness - Cinnamon is associated with the moon. Raises spiritual awareness from the powerful emotional energy the moon gives off

Cinnamon Attratcs prosperity, love on a physical and spiritual level

Purifies space to open your (heart Chakra) to trusting your intuition to pursuee you and your ancestors wildest dreams - Higher level of Consciousness

White – cleansing, purifying, truth, blessings, unity, relieves tensionWith a burning candle, you can focus your desire(s) and allow the release of your energy into the Universe to manifest your dreams.

For the magic to work in your favor, it’s critical to have a personal sense of clarity about your intention, otherwise the candle cannot help you or you end up getting what you wanted in a way that isn’t helpful.

Remember, the fire is just a medium to mhelp you adequately direct your wishes to the Universe. An important rule to always keep in mind when doing any kind of earth magic is not to seek harm towards another person, the consequence is that you’ll get back what you put out. Positive intentions only, folks

Courage Bundle

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